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토스 템플릿

by brightet 2024. 1. 16.

<Part 2>

장소 + 인원 수 + 인물 + 추가

I think this picture was taken ~

There are ~ people in this picture.

He is ~ing.

There are ~

I can see ~

It seems like ~


<Part 3> - 간결

I think ~

There are some ~

Because ~

Also, ~

Therefore, ~


고정 답: last week, once a month, after work.


추가 문장: 시간, 빈도, 이유, 습관 (행동, 장소, 사람), 사례(called), 열거(Also,), 목적(to)


<Part 4>

~ will take place

~ will be held

You are going to ~

~ is scheduled 

There will be ~

~ will give a presentation on ~ at ~

~ will be given by ~ at ~


You are going to ~


There are two scheduled sessions. / appointments.




Fortunately, you will not miss anything.

Unfortunately, ~


~ received 학위 in 전공 at 대학 in 연도

He has a certification in ~

He received an award in ~

He is fluent in ~

He has some experience in ~


He has two different kinds of work experience.

First, he worked at 직장 as a 직급 from ~ to ~.

Second, he has been working at 직장 as a 직급 since ~.


You will interview ~ for the ~ position at ~.

There will be an interview with ~, who is applying for ~ position at ~


~ is located at ~.

It is ~ dollars. However, it is already paid. / it is not paid yet.


First, you will get ~ and they are $ each.

Second, there will be ~ which are $ each.

Lastly, you will get ~ and they are $ each.


<Part 5>

입장 + 이유 + 예시 + 마무리

I agree that ~

I think ~

There are some ~

I would prefer to ~


Most of all, we ~

Because ~



When I was a ~, 

About 2 years ago,

In the case of my friend, ~

(+장소, 누구랑) 

구체적 !


So, / Also, / For example, / While -ing,

However, / But nowadays,


As a result, 




출처: 제이크 토스 책


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