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영어교육문법론연구 시험문제 (TG)

by brightet 2024. 1. 11.

Ch 7


1. Nonreferential ‘there’ 사용되는 경우와 상황 설명


p. 136~137


1) Introducing New Information


2) Responding to Questions


3) Shifting the Focus of a Discussion


4) Calling Sth to Mind


Ch 10


2. Determiner 순서, 관련 문장


p. 187-8

Ch 15


3. Given-new contract 정의, 설명하는 예시, 설명, 간목/수동 등 사용된 문장


p. 337


정의: old info should appear in a sentence before new info.


(40) I have two pistols here, a Colt .45 and a German Luger. Here are the rules of the duel.

  1. I’m going to give the Colt to Fred and the Luger to Alex. They will then walk in opposite directions for 20 paces, turn, and wait for my command to fire.

     ? b. I’m going to give Fred the Colt and Alex the Luger. They will then walk in opposite    directions for 20 paces, turn, and wait for my command to fire.


(41) Susan: You know, I can’t figure out what to get John for his birthday. Any ideas?

       Ann: a. Give him a CD. You know how much he likes music.

              ?b. Give a CD to him. You know how much he likes music.


Ch 17


(19) a. Light always travels at the same speed, but fame travels at dozens. It travels at the speed of sound, carrying the Apollo-prizewinner’s voice through the air and, then, humming on the fire tympanies of eardrums, it is converted by the Rube Goldberg apparatus of the inner ear into the voice of Arthur Blaine, speaking, laughing, reading.


(20) a. In the time-warping thriller Frequency, a lonely son talks to his dead father across three decades with a ham radio. This connection has somehow been established by sunspots….

Ch 18


4. Relative Clause type 설명


p. 422~


The boy that _ kicked the ball

(11) The guy [who / that hired Robert ] was the manager of the supermarket.

  • DO

The ball that the boy kicked _

(13) At the party there were many people [ who / that he did not know ].

  • IO

The girl that the boy is giving a bag to _

(16) The girl [ who / that we gave the candy to ] is Fred’s sister.

(17) The student [ for whom Alice baked a cake ] is my roommate.

  • OP

The table that the boy put the book on _

(18) a. The mattress [ which / that he slept on ] had several broken springs.

  1. The people [ who / that he aimed his weapon at ] were very frightened.
  2. The mattress [ on which he slept ] had several broken springs.
  3. The people [ at whom he aimed his weapon ] were very frightened.
  • POS (Possessive)

The girl whose book was stolen

(21) Last week I met a girl [whose brother works in your law firm].

(29) The reports [ the size of which the government prescribes] are boring.

  • OC (Object of Comparison)

(33) The girl [ who / that Susan was faster than ] won the 100 meter dash.



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국립국제교육원 국비유학  (0) 2024.01.15
